Sunday, September 9, 2007

Married Man: Ep. 1.6 "The F Bomb"

On this episode of The Married Man Podcast: Single Guy Dale, and Married Man Jack answer some listener questions, Dale has his Dale's Disastrous Dates segment, and Jack and Dale discuss the rules of Win a Date with Warm Taffy.

Married Man: Ep. 1.6 "The F Bomb".m4a


U-Jen O Commy said...

Another great podcast! Jays mic sounds really bad though, I think you guys should just do it producer Ryan style.

memphish said...

Is Jay in Mission Control in Houston?


Viva Langstraat said...

Love the show but I'll join others on how Producer Jay sounds. Houston, we have a problem with his mic.

Jay said...

Its kind of supposed to be that way, since im the producer and not a host, im just patching in my audio to not confuse the fact that i am not a host. So thats what were going for, may try a different sound, but its going to be along those lines. :)

Dani said...

Thanks for reading my email...but no thanks for trying to pass me off as Dale's daughter. What kind of girl flashes her room mates boyfriend? That was bad advice!

Love the show guys!

Pro Graphics LLC said...

Guys, I am on Podcast 1.2, been married now for 7 years and I love this.


Pro Graphics LLC said...

Sorry, Forgot to say something.

Need forums so our secret society has somewhere to converse


bytes said...

yet another hilarious show, informative and out right epic. Warm taffy has done it again!

Shiane said...

Could we get some links on the site - to the messageboard, email, and maybe the phone #? I'm too lazy to write the info down while I'm listening (not to mention I usually don't have a paper and pen available when listening).

Ralph- said...

I LOVE HOW PRODUCER JAY sounds like he is in the egineering booth!

KEEP IT!!!!!

katie said...

I absolutely love the warm taffy song. I like how it starts out bringin the funk, then gets rediculously hilarious. Thanks for making my time at work not sooo bad.