Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Married Man: Ep. 1.9 "Do You Mind If I Finish Myself?"

On this episode of The Married Man Podcast: In the 2nd episode from our MMP Marathon Single Guy Dale, and Married Man Jack answer some listener questions, and have their first "I Hate it When" segments.

Married Man: Ep. 1.9 "Do You Mind If I Finish Myself?".m4a


U-Jen O Commy said...

Brilliant job fellas! Dale was on his A game today, very funny stuff!

Michele K. said...

You guys made me smile through some pretty hectic traffic today. Thanks! When are you going to post a picture of Dale so all us ladies can see what Warm Taffy looks like?

Jack said...


Check out the last two Jay and Jack lost vidcast. you'll see Mr. warm Taffy.

jeff said...

I have to agree with Jorge that the name of this podcast is misleading. Why is it called the "Married Man Podcast" if it is for married, divorced, and single people. In fact, it's not only just for men because women write in and call too. So, the only part of the title that is right is "podcast", unless it really isn't a podcast and is some hoax put on by Rose and Bernard.

Memories said...

No more MarriedMan Podcasts? How sad!